Delphia and Terry are residents at Hong Lok House in Chinatown which is managed by Rogerson Communities. They are originally from Kentucky where they married and cared for Delphia’s mom through a long-term illness. After she passed, Delphia and Terry moved to Boston where Terry had worked many years ago. The Boston area economy was struggling at that time and they soon found themselves unable to secure the work essential to afford permanent housing. Delphia and Terry then found themselves homeless and living in the shelter system for the next 2 years. They were devastated by this at the same time they began to suffer the effects of chronic health conditions that were exacerbated by their uncertain living situation.
Delphia explains, “We were working with social service agencies that helped us secure social security. HEARTH, a Boston area non-profit assisting folks in securing affordable housing, told us about Hong Lok House and walked us through the process of getting our current apartment. It was a miracle. After two of the worst years of our lives, we were together and safe and home.” Hong Lok House is located in downtown Boston with access to public transportation and many of the area’s finest medical institutions. Delphia adds, “We love our apartment and the staff at Rogerson have been incredible at making us feel at home. We have great neighbors and really feel a part of a special community. And since we moved here, we’ve been able to really deal with our health problems.
Delphia and Terry are deeply spiritual and are grateful for their lives today, noting, “I knew God would answer our prayers, then Rogerson came along to take care of us.”