Adlina S. Picture

Adlina S.

Adlina is a 78 year old resident at Rogerson Communities. She is originally from the south and has lived in the Boston area for over 25 years. Adlina came to Rogerson Communities in 2010 after feeling isolated, unsafe and unhappy in her previous housing.

Now, more than seven years later, Adlina loves her home, stating, “I was surprised at first by how warm and welcoming my neighbors were — the management does a lot to connect us residents and keep us active. Their kind attitude makes a huge difference in the way people are here.”

When Adlina moved in to Rogerson Communities’ housing, she was struggling with back and leg pain from injuries sustained while she was working. For years her doctor had prescribed exercise and movement, but pain and lack of access to equipment and trained support kept her from starting. Rogerson Communities’ management encourages residents to participate in Fitness First not only for the physical health benefits, but also for the emotional benefit of building community.


“For years I lived with pain. The idea of getting out in the cold to exercise seemed impossible. Having someone help me exercise right here in my building where I live seemed impossible to say no to. As I started to exercise the way they taught me, I felt relief. The staff are amazing, they really care. And I’ve gotten to know my neighbors and now I encourage others to give it a try.”


Adlina was convinced to try exercise with professional support and supervision and immediately began to experience increased strength, less pain, and a  connection to others.

Adlina now uses all the strength training equipment after only being able to use a few machines when she started. She has had a 200% increase in her strength and a 400% increase in endurance since she began Fitness First. She says of her experience with exercise, “Having this free fitness program has changed my life. The trainer is so kind and encouraging. After 2 years of exercising three times a week, I no longer walk with a cane and I feel strong and good. I sleep great — through the whole night!”